Saturday, March 23, 2024

The only Thing that makes Sense of THIS world, IS there IS a Reality, Peace after.

 We Know?  We ARE God's Children OF His Spirit BECAUSE We OBEY Christ.  We ASK, AND BECAUSE We ASK no our own will, flesh, but the Will of God Spirit, we Received from Him.  We ask not by human spirit, human desires. God alone IS Good.  God alone ALL Knowing, Understanding what IS our Good.  To Know, Hear God and disobey?  DEATH.  The children of disobedience ARE BORN DEAD, Separated from God, Breath, Life.  They HAVE tine to seek.   TO return to disobedience AFTER Life IS COME?  To serve flesh of disobedience, is to Reject Christ our Obedience, Life.

Like the Jews Freed from their masters of flesh, freed but NOT REBORN IN Union with Spirit, they wandered again, farther and farther LOST IN TIME.  The little Children of Christ that REMAIN WITH Him unseparated, shall ENTER IN Him His Kingdom by Spirit.  Where no Spirit of Understanding there is the wandering unto death, OUTSIDE the Kingdom of Promise.

The BONDS, Chains of Love. UNBREAKABLE Spiritual Chains.  The Bride a Slave to Her Husband, Love binds TO Him She Loves.  Spring about to burst forth.  THEN the Summer TIME for fruits IS COME.  ALL THE TIME, the many summers unto summers, THERE IS ONE LAST Summer to Come.  ONLY God Knows THAT Summer, THAT LAST BEFORE, His EVER NOW.

Be Prepared, unpacking, Repacking DONE, Ready by Spirit TO GO NOW WITH God, the very NOW He Comes.   Do not hesitate, look behind at this world AND found only as salt of flesh its work.

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