Wednesday, March 20, 2024

house of sorrow, bad news, BECOMES House of Joy, Good News

 Given a break, to WAKE UP FROM dark dream unto a perpetual Day of Joy.  The SOUL Given TO God His Power, Spirit.  The Power of Truth in a soul REBORN OF God His Will.  The Mind Filled  by Spirit with EVERY Thought God's VERY OWN Seed the Tree Risen up within BEARING ALL the Thoughts of Holiness not one evil belonging to darkness.

Coming Home bearing Gifts that come AND Remain BY Faith.  The human wisdom, spirit of darkness IS FOOLISHNESS, the human soul MUST confess itself a fool without God His Presence and by Truth Live.  The Love OF His Presence, that We HIS Body Walks WITH IN Union without separation by fallen flesh.

The old human flesh of sorrow? Gone NOW, is the old way of mind of flesh its thoughts of its spirit.  I was the NATURAL fallen flesh OF TIME, Raised NOW the NEW Man, His Body, Bride.  His Bride of His Bone,  ONE Union, IS Saved by ONE Mind, God's Truth, His Thoughts She Receives from Christ Her Head, Bridegroom.   A Bride Chosen for ONE NIGHT with the PrNesence of the King.  The LONG NITHT TIME OF DARKNESS.    Understand who the Reborn ARE,Where found when NIGHT IS OVER, GONE when last hour of darkness is gone?  Light within BECOMING ONE with Light.

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