Friday, March 29, 2024

Its ALL about the Spirit. IN Christ. Father IN Christ BODY and Head, the Throne ofGod.

 The Savior, ONLY Savior IN flesh Sent by Father to Gather LOST Flock from mouth of flesh.  God the Spirit, His Word of His Mind, HIS THOUGHTS being God, not me my thoughts of fallen flesh.

WHAT Would Jesus DO?  ONLY WHAT God His Father inaudible Holy Spirit, Commands to BE DONE in His Name.   Where there IS NO Spirit to Receive the Thoughts, Word of God, THERE, there IS NO Spirit Heard, Received.

The Gift of Receiving a NEW Spirit, Rebirth by Will  and Power of God ALONE.  God Does, Lives wheresoever He SO Chooses to.  The  Presence of Christ, LIVING Word, Thoughts of Life, Received and Followed, Walking as a LIVING SOUL IN Body of Christ, Faith.  A Truth THAT ONLY the Reborn, Possess by Spirit.  God our Father, OUR Only Teacher OF His Children.

Christ the Savior of ALL Believers who Receive Him BY Faith within.  The unbelievers REJECT  Truth according to Spirit.   Unbelievers deny Truth, Savior Sent to Save them from unbelief. The Body of Christ HAS Dormant Seed, Planted in Adam, for Rain Poured out.  God Sends Rain and Dormant Seed HIDDEN in flesh, QUICKENS, Rises unto Fruits, Thoughts of God.

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