Sunday, March 31, 2024

Go and SET a Watchman and ALLOW Him our Head, TO See.

 He Cries A LION, TO His Body that by Christ Sees.  Christ the ONLY Way His Escap, e.  He HAS Prepared a Table as We Watch, Eating, Drinking AS Princes Ready to Anoint the Shield, Declare the Vision.  A Chariot, the Lord of Hosts His Sword Slaying the disobedient.  Watchman, WHAT hour of darkness of the NIGHT is it? The Resurrected dead are not dead of flesh fallen to the ground.  We ARE A Body, A JOYOUS City of LIVING SOULS not slain by sword of darkness, dead in battle.

We are the Risen.  They the dead of the VALLEY, ALL the chariots of pride in flesh, broken unusable.  The dead taken by the mouth of darkness FROM EXISTENCE WITH TIME.  REJOICE for Christ HAS Destroyed, Swallowed disobedience and death from His Body with His Mouth.  His Lips Remove the serpent AND venom from His Body.

BOW in humbleness unto God, for His Help TO Know Translation by Spirit the Law of Living souls.

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