Thursday, March 28, 2024

God the Rightful Owner by Living Law, Power CASTS the squatter OUT OF His Property.

 The Power of Obedience, Spirit RETORED unto house of death, darkness, deceit CAST OUT BY THE Spirit by Brightness HAS FILLED every room in His House with His Presence, Life.  The weak foundation the Frame of House RESTORED.  Evil NEVER having a way to RE-ENTER the residence with the key. word of deceit.

The Obedience of HIS House, CONFORMED BY Power, Presence of Truth SUSTAINING Life according to God within His Reclaimed Property.  We ARE the Body OF Living SOULS Resurrected IN TIME BY Eternal Father His Love.

WHY DO I Say THIS, BECAUSE my God, Father, Teacher, very Life within, HAS TOLD me SO.  And the only resister, denier of Truth is the mouth of darkness that Knows NOT God.  The Truth oF God His Mind, is not the untruth, partial truth in the minds chained to darkness.  Where there is no Christ Spirit there be a dead soul in unbroken chains of darkness.  The Chains of Love KEEP US BOUND TO God we Love.

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