Friday, March 22, 2024

IF the spirit in us IS Spirit OF God, THAN OUR Obedience, the Evidence We ARE God's.

 The fallen flesh, blind, deaf, lame, unable to Stand without falling down again, Has NOT Received the Cure, Remedy for disobedience.  Christ His Spirit of Truth.  Christ is not  Written Word for fallen flesh, He IS A Perfect Life of Obedience.  ALL the Glory, Honor and Thanks go to God, Spirit and Obedient Son, Word, WHO PUT ON OUR human flesh of disobedience, dead by human spirit of AIR, and Surrendered to Will of God, was Crucified, our blood of disobedience, spirit, AIR bled out, THEN God Raised us the Flesh without spot, stain, smear, dot, crumb of disobedience.  1 John.

The Reborn SOULS IN TIME, Waiting, Hearing, Writing the Thoughts of God for the DEAD souls void of Spirit, to find IN TIME, the Invitation of God TO the Reborn TO Come WHEN Called and Prepare according to Invitation, HOW TO COME in Holiness in flesh INTO the Presence of God.

Christ His Body, BOTH Bride and Groom, ONE.  Christ His Flesh NEW Garment Prepared FOR Bride to Wear, ENTERING the Presence of God.   The Shining Brightness IN His Bride.  Here COMES THE Bride. Gone all the OLD Become New.

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