Confession OF Truth UNTO Truth, Restores body of flesh TO Life. Because you lie, deceive your SELF, your disobedience OF deceit REMAINS IN, UPON you. The Shepherd IS Sent for His Father's LOST Sheep, taken by mouths of wolves of darkness, into the pit, stomach of death.
Father's LOST Sheep, as soon as they Hear the Voice of His Truth, they TURN FROM deceit, darkness, TO the Light of His Presence IN Christ. The ONLY Waya of Entry IS IN Union, ONE WITH Christ. ENTER into Kingdom BY Christ the Door, the Way of LEGAL ENTRY. Christ the Key of Truth Given UNTO ALL the Reborn Children, of Christ, His Body of Believers.
OUT OF the wilderness of TIME, INTO the Pasture of PEACE. The hirelings of religion are not the Son, Shepherd OF Truth, God. The hirelings, children of flesh and blood that use, feed upon the blind, deaf sheep LOST UNTO TIME of darkness. The FOUND BY Truth, those WITH Voice Recognition, Spirit, RUN TO Him, Gathered into the Body of His Flock. His Flock Remains Gathered unto Truth. Christ allows no LOST Sheep to Remain behind with darkness, the mouth of darkness.
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