Sunday, March 31, 2024

There is NO SOUL Perfect that HAS NOT God IN Residence.

 The perfect man by standards of flesh and blood, spirit of fake human righteousness, IS disqualified, rejected by God.  The earth of dust, hell, kingdoms of flesh ARE GIVEN hands of wickedness.  The clay of earth and unholy water, SPIT under their tongues, the dead by unbelief shall not See Good but pass away chased as prey.j

Call upon the Lord, Body of Christ, and He Shall Answer the Spirit within thee.  Gone my bitterness, COME MY Joy His Presence that IS Saving me, Helping me CROSS OVER, THROUGH TIME, INTO Reality of Eternity.

The WONDER OF God, His Presence, Spirit and Truth, my Perfection Rules IN, OVER me unto Life after death of OLD flesh and TIME.

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