NOW? BY His Coming AND BY our Gathering UNTO Him, PLEASE NOW Remin unto Truth. DO NOT BE shaken and separated from Him by troubler, spirit, human spirit, human thoughts. BECAUSE the Day OF Christ, His Day, IS at hand. NOW cling TO Him, Truth, NOW, allow no human that does not Know, Him His Presence, DECEIVE you with his thoughts, his spirit by any means separate you from Existence IN Him.
The Day, His Day with.out darkness of time, shall not Come without, UNTIL the Revealing of man of sin, disobedience, IS Revealed, THE falling away TO thoughts, mind, human spirit. Disciples to EXPECT the falling away from Truth BY human spirit? Evil one ENTERED Judas, separating him from Christ, Truth. JUDAS fallen by mouth of spirit, thoughts of darkness. Behold the son of perdition. Barely escaping, hell-bound with chains of temptation, tempter of flesh and blood. The spirit of the kingdom PURGATORY upon the foundation of DRY dust. The deceiver that dwells IN his flesh, AIR in the temporary flesh of TIME. The spirit of disobedience, EXALTING himself in the children of darkness, flesh and blood. The spirit of disobedience that EXALTS self, SEATED in God in the mind and heart of fallen human souls. Disobedience of the SOUL IS Evidence?? Evidence, disobedience rules, sits, as God but is not. THIS Mystery of God and disobedience as god in flesh.
Worship, OBEY God, BOW, OR disobey by mind or flesh, you bow to disobedience as god. Do not deceive your self, SOUL. There is a Word, Thought of Truth, that Sent by God, His Spirit IN Christ that Raises the dead in separation Restored IN Union, Spirit and Mind back to God, Life.
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