Friday, March 29, 2024

God IS Spirit, the SpiritS of the Lord, Dwell in God our Mind IN Christ out Head.

 Becoming the Substance of God, Reality, Led by the Spirit, Angel of the Lord's Presence.  The children of the seed of darkness are not the DORMANT Seed, Christ, that QUICKENS WITH THE Rain,  of a PERPETUAL Repentance, Cleansing within the REBORN SOUL.  IF that within IS Clean, so the OUTWARD Clean.   The Body of Christ is NOT CONSUMED BY Fire, SHINES, REVEALS Presence of Flame of Brightness.  The fire of destruction is the soul consuming fire of darkness that burns by presence of AIR.  The Mystery OF Truth that ONLY Truth CAN Reveal to those with Eyes, Ears, Mind of God IN Christ our Head.

Its SUPER-natural Man, the Image of INVISIBLE God. Dressed IN flesh that blind, deaf, Lifeless soul MIGHT PERHAPS, Maybe Recognize Christ the Word, Thought of Love  SENT FOR us to Follow.   The Lord HAS MADE this soul as madness, Seeing, Beholding what Godless, Spiritless dead souls CAN NOT Perceive.   God HAS SET a time for the Way of Escape to be SHUT.  The OBEDIENT SHUT UP IN THE Body, Ark that is Christ.

ALL flesh void of Spirit, Life thinks about is self, time, money, power, things of THIS world of darkness.  IN TIME, lost, we can wander astray, BUT Christ HAS COME, NOW Dwells in His Body, Hear the LAST Call of the NIGHT TIME.  Rise and Serve OUT Master-Mind. BY Spirit bearing His Thoughts INTO Existence, Reality.

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