Thursday, March 21, 2024

We ARE the Crucified Body of Christ, GIVEN Christ Living Doctrine TO Follow.

Follow IN PERFECT Union of God, OUR Bridegroom.  Carry the Thoughts of Love IN Heart of His Body, Bride.  The failure of communication with God HAS BEEN Fixed by Spirit.  We Know and Receive, DO what our Father, God, Tells the Body of Christ TO DO.

The Bride, the Body of Christ IN Love WITH Peace.  The Prince of Peace HAS TAKEN me CAPTIVE IN the Chains, Thoughts, OF Love.  Bound FOR Heaven.  What darkness is there that will not surrender to Love.  The enemy of Love?  I Surrender NOW to God the ONLY Truth I Know. The Arrow of Truth, His Light HAS Pierced the old heart of darkness.  Freed by Truth, by Will of God, I REMAIN Free in Obedience, Serving Him.

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