Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Spirit Breathing SOUls IN Body have no fear of death.

 ANY soul afraid of death HAS NO Life of God, Spirit within the soul. 1 John 4:13-18.  Those bound, united in a religion, are married to death. Christ is a Life the Reborn ARE Born INTO from death with fallen flesh of Adam.

If anyone had told me I would give up my self life, painting, reading for a Life of Listening to God.  I would have laughed like Sarah, kin and flesh of Abraham.  BUT God.  Yes God Understanding , His Presence Changed me from laughing in disobedience, mocking, Changed me into the Body, Bride, Sister, of Bridegroom.

I laugh NOW at the thoughts of flesh, Reject the thoughts of spirit AIR in blood of flesh.  BECAUSE NOW I Know, I AM the Bride of Holy Seed and Spirit, Bride.

ALL that matters male or female, or man made eunuchs, Serve God not flesh. God's Reward IS the Body of Christ, Life in Obedience unto God.  NOTHING is OF Reality  HERE, ghosts of flesh and time. ONLY  God IS Reality Perpetually. Reality IS a Life Lived Obeying, Doing His Will while IN TIME.  Rewarded a Perfect Flesh of Obedience to Live without END in the Kingdom by His Presence.

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