Saturday, March 23, 2024

THE SPIRITUAL CANCER that in THE SOUL that ENDS IN death of soul and flesh.

 OUR thoughts are NOT God's Thoughts, Christ Truth COMING FROM the Spirit-TO-Spirit within God's Spiritual Flesh.  TIME is for the Separation of fallen seed of Adam his flesh TO BE Separated by God His Presence from the Body of Christ.  God Lives, ABIDES, RULES from within His Children BY His Spirit, REBORN.  First a child of death in temporary flesh of TIME, UNTIL God Sends Rain Quickens the Dormant Seed of Life INTO EXISTENCE.  Christ Seed, Holy Fruit of Rain Produces the SAME Fruit Pleasing To God, WHEN God WANTS Fruit.  NOW from the Tree of Life within us.

Father save us from the death OF TIME, Plant Christ, Your Thoughts that Transform, Change, MAKE New THE old.  Only God, Truth AND His Spiritual Word, His Lips Kiss, Breath into His Chosen OF Spirit, CAN Save, Restore Bride TO Life of Union WITH Truth.

Adam WAS NOT the Target, Plan of God, Christ His Body the Plan of God BEFORE the beginning of Godless flesh, Adam.  There was NO Spirit, Presence WITHIN TO Save, Keep him from darkness.  It is God His Spirit, Breath of Presence, the Wings of Brightness OVER us that Saves FROM darkness, the mouths of darkness, enemies of Christ Head and His Body, Bride.

There is no Walking without limping, sign of having fallen, broken, UNTIL Raised and Held UP By God, UNITED AS ONE WITH Christ.

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