Sunday, March 31, 2024

Fear NOTHING BUT NOT Pleasing God in order to please human self.

 Happy the flesh that God Corrects?  Because Good Father Corrects His Children to Save them.  Our Father Shall Deliver us, the Body of Christ from trouble, evil.  IN famine He Shall Redeem from death, from power of the sword, tongue of darkness, death.  The Body of Christ LIVING Body of believers are not afraid of destruction that comes upon flesh OF TIME, We ARE the Children Eternal, SOULS that die not with flesh of death.  The beasts of darkness, wilderness can not swallow the Lights of Light.  We the Body at Peace with God, OBEY, Worship Him.  Obedience Removes disobedience, WHEN God Comes in Visitation, and ABIDES, His Chosen BY His INDWELLING Shall not, CAN NOT Sin, disobey Him.

Any soul that wants to sleep with death can, but this soul Shall Sleep IN His Body WITH Him UNTIL Rising of Day Eternal.

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