Sunday, March 31, 2024

The HARDENED heart in flesh and blood. WITHOUT the Living, ONLY the Written.

 Christ the Life GIVEN TO Reborn OF Faith to bear within UNTO, INTO Arms of Reality, Eternity.  Better to BE Reborn, Alive, departing hell BY Faith IN Truth, than IN THE END of TIME, left behind in the flesh, body of death.  The body of darkness gwhere the devil lives, breaths, has his kingdom on earth.  The DYING flesh of time, the walking dead souls, until their flesh turns to Godless dust.  Believing in a religion, religious tongue of flesh, teaching doctrines, THOUGHTS OF flesh AS God. ALL OTHER faiths, thoughts, religions LEAD TO DEATH.  Christ is not Religion, Christ is the Life of God in His Flesh.  God His Work TRANSCENDS time, He IS Eternity.  Beginning and End IS God.

Religions are doctrines, thoughts of flesh.  MICONCEPTIONS NOT Christ Seed of Truth.  DO NOT ALLOW the sword, tongue of darkness, flames of fire of hell separate hinder your BECOMING ONE WITH Fire, Light of God.  Deceived by WRITTEN WORDS IN TIME, BECAUSE THERE IS NO Reality, LIVING Word of Truth within you.  Light the Candle of Your Presence AND FAN with Your Wings, this Body of Christ to Blaze and consume the darkness.

Trapped in hell with flames NO Rain, the human returning to dust of , time.  Observed ALL the WRITTEN, yet still LACK, Crucifying the OLD self, thoughts, flesh BY Faith and Rising to Walk, Live the NEW Life, Christ IN His Body?  Seek God His Spirit, Life Eternal, to ABIDE, Live in through you the Reborn.   The earthly riches of flesh has no Value in Kingdom, ask the Egyptians who followed many human gods of time.  We ARE His Body Resurrected Filled with Christ TRUE Riches, our Entrance into His Kingdom.  COME, NOW, Crucify self on Cross WITH Me, THEN Follow Me.  Live the Life of Obedience without disobedience of unbelief.

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