Wednesday, March 27, 2024

WHAT did I Truth Say? ASK those ENABLED TO Hear, THEY Know, Heard My Thoughts.

 The HIRELINGS OF flesh and blood of AIR, temporary flesh receives.  Is NOT the Breath, Spirit the Body of Christ BREATHES. The Breath of Life, the Kiss of Holy Union.  The Mind of God IN Christ the Head of His Body, The Spirit IS the Key of Truth, Truth the Key of House of Life.  

The Spirit Knows, Understands, SOLVES the Mystery flesh can not understand without Helper, Spirit of Understanding God.  Father LOVES Me BECAUSE I  Give My Body, UNTO Father, Spirit.  I Sacrifice my flesh, Give UNTO Obedience, those IN My Body that CAN Hear, Understand, RETURN WITH ME UNTO Right Mind that is OUR Father.

God HAS GIVEN THE Power TO GIVE UP flesh and soul UNTO Will of God.  God Given Power to Crucify My Body and Raise My Body Back to Life.  The Reborn unto Obedience, Hear, Know Recognize the voice, spirit, thoughts of stranger, darkness, AND FLEE UNTO the Presence of God.

What a View from the Mountain TOP, ALL the many religions, spirits of flesh, pretending to be the ONE Voice of TRUTH.   The congregations of flesh in time, from church to church of religions, seeking THEIR OWN reflection, their own image, THOUGHTS of flesh.  There is but ONE Christ, He is Life, the others just human thoughts of religion.   Christ the END OF wandering the earth Godless, Hopeless, LOST IN time.  The Hand, the Presence of God, LIFTS His Children UP BY His Presence.  ONLY that which belongs to darkness shall remain, because the darkness they ARE runs from not TO the Light of Truth that REMOVES the life of darkness by His Presence.

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