Thursday, March 21, 2024

man of flesh and disobedience, can not Stand without falling DOWN.

 The REGORN soul, Alive BY Spirit, MUST by Faith ENTER, Remain IN Body BY Faith.  The Spirit Life in the LIVING SOUL must by Same Spirit UNITE ONE within Body of Spirit.  TO Believe and AFTER TIME, Rise the Bride United ONE with Christ Head and Body ARE OF ONE Spirit, ONE Mind, ONE Thought God.

OUR Revelation, OUR BEING OF Christ, Living the Thought-Life of God, SHALL cause every galaxy every star every planet, every Thing of Existence TO SHOUT WITH Joy FOR God.   The Veil of Time, a Garment Removed, the Bride Ready to Live the VERY Life of Reality with God.

Christ the Beloved Truth that Resurrected His Bride from death.  The Lamb of Perfection set before His Bride, the Food Body NEEDS TO Live and Thrive. DIGEST, BECOME ONE with the Lamb. Live Serving God with the Mind of Christ.

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