Saturday, March 23, 2024

His Children Receive WHATEVER They ASK From Him? Because They OBEY Him?

THE Reality IS,  We ASK NOT by flesh, human spirit WHAT flesh wants, desires.  We ASK the Desire, WHAT God WANTS TO Give to us.  The human heart, human mind, dead souls IN dying flesh, DO NOT Know WHAT IS Good.  ALL flesh knows is WHAT flesh IS everything, THOUGHT that separates from God His Christ.  Christ HAS TOLD us, Father THY GOOD AND HOLY Will BE Done.

The flesh like little children with long lists written by flesh its desires.  HAVE NO Understanding Separated from God, Spirit.  Reality, Right Mind of the Good Conception.  Holy Seed, Holy Thought of Mind Rooted into Tree of Life. The Dormant Seed Hidden in us and the Spirit of Christ, RAIN from Heaven, QUICKEN us INTO Life of Christ, Coming Awakened, Quickened within us.  The Light of Brightness Shining ALL POWERFUL, Drawing us out of the OLD flesh WITH Christ our NEW Flesh.

Heaven on earth.  The Seed, the Rain and the Light OF HIS Presence.  A Vine that Shall COVER THE EARTH.  SHADE for people to sit under waiting to see WHAT God IS DOING.  Serve His Will and Pray His Good Will BE DONE.  Pray for those He Wills to Come, COME DOing His Will. Obedience IS Life. STOP doing the OLD works OF flesh, disobedience, TURN TO Obedience, the TRUE Worship of God as God.   ONLY God is Judge, and He SETS the alarm time individually for souls, THEIR time to Wake or fall back into the slumber of darkness, BECAUSE their is NO Light within TO Wake, Raise them Alive in Reality.   THEY Know NOT that WHAT their flesh ASKS FOR is the will of flesh not God.  The very thing desired shall turn farther from God OR Drive you TO God IN Surrender.

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