Saturday, March 23, 2024

The lions in the pit WITH the Friend of the King? ALL the NIGHT time. Daniel ch 6.

 The enemies of Daniel who Served God, has MADE their law against his Worship OF God.  ALL NIGHT time the king worried about his friend, WHEN the Morning, Dawn of Day Came, he RAN to See IF PERHAPS Daniel's God, HAD Saved Daniel from the mouth of hungry, angry lions in the pit.

OUR God OUR Father, His Christ the lion Tamer, Closes the mouths of lions that are down here in the pit of darkness.  Power, Light, Hope, Will of God IS IN, WITH us, the God, Presence, OUR EXITENCE after TIME in a pit of darknessG, the lion's den, home.   Are you Alive?  Yes my King I AM the Body THAT Serves God the Utmost, Highest God of His gods, His kings, His Children.  OUR Lord, God, King, REVEALER OF Secrets TO His Servants, the VERY thoughts of flesh and Thoughts of God.

God's Servant in BABYLON.  NONE so Wise as the Chosen Children OF God.  Our God, Father Sees, Watches ALWAYS while we RETURN Home.  THERE He IS Standing, Waiting FOR us.  We are the Body of Christ, Worry NOT IN TIME, God HAS Raised Head AND Body AS ONE.  We ARE ONE Body OF Truth IN UNION WITH Head, the Mind that is God Enthroned, Seated as God upon Head and Body.  EVERY Written Chapter, a Revelation Hidden from the eyes of fallen flesh.

Seek the Teacher, the Guide, the Savior His Presence that you FIND, Know, HOW TO Live without death.   Human flesh can not See, Hear, FIND.  BUT NOW Christ Crucified dead and Raised us as His Living Body, ARK OF SOULS, WITH Him our Head, We NOW ARE Alive from the dead, CAN Hear, CAN Discern Him Presence within.  Stop SPENDING your TIME with your human mind, thoughts THAT LEAD TO death of BOTH dead soul and flesh.  Exchange your thoughts, worthless, for the Riches of His Kingdom, House of the Living.  Human thoughts, flesh and spirit do not EXIST THERE, ONLY here.   BEEN AWAY in the lands of darkness, NOW Return Home with the Hidden Buried Pearl Revealed to you.  Priceless His Value, His Spirit that Raises dead things Alive.

Even stubborn mules Speak by His Will BECAUSE He IS God.

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