Sunday, May 19, 2024

You hypocrites, robbing God of Obedience. Say Yes, BUT DO not DO AS Commanded.

 The STILLNESS of Faith in mind and heart of SOUL, all the winds, waves BY His Presence BECOME SILENCED and the SOUL BROUGHT TO THE Shore by His Presence.  The disobedient are slaves, captive to doubt of unbelief.  WHERE there is NO Spirit, Faith, Truth, ONE IN the Reborn soul, there is no Obedience to God.  ONLY othat denies, rejects the Word of Power.  UNSTABLE souls that NEVER CAN, NOR EVER WILL Stand without falling back down.  The gravity of disobedience.  Greater the Power of Reality IN His Chosen Children, Chosen FOR Obedience, the Key to Pleasing God.

The one who HAS Faith, Sprit, Obeys IS Freed.  Where there is spirit of doubt, THERE is disobedience.

God IS Gracious unto him that draws near to the grave the mouth of darkness, the soul being destroyed by spirits of AIR.  IF there be a messenger, an interpreter, TO Reveal, SHOW a man of flesh the Way OF Spirit, Power of Spirit, Christ the Life, Ransom of the Believer REBORN.  The Believer SHALL Perceive, Know the Presence of God, His Power to Change from disobedience UNTO Obedience. unto Truth.  The eyes once darkness BECOME Eyes of Light.  Brought back from dead dead souls in dying flesh, BACK TO LIVING SOUL Filled with VERY Breath, Presence, TRUE Life.  Greater the Spirit of Life than the spirit of death, darkness in souls fallen to death.

IF God SET His Heart upon you, and GATHERS you unto Hims Self, Spirit.  The Spirit in the Reborn DRAWS the Spirit, Breath of God UNTO Him His Self.  ALL flesh and blood void of Breath, Spirit, Presence, PERISH without Understanding, Knowledge, TURN TO DUST AGAIN. ALL are dead souls without the Spirit, Breath of God within.  ALL perish OUTSIDE the Body, Bride of Truth, because there is NO Spirit, Life IN them.  The Spirit, God BREATHED Living Word, Thoughts, Return the Reborn SOUL TO God.  Spirit in Christ His Body, We His Bride, IN UNION ONE in the EYES OF God.

ONLY the Bride of Faith, that Bears the Seed, the Thoughts of Truth, shall RE-ENTER the Kingdom of Brightness from the darkness outside the Kingdom of His Presence.  IF. If NOW you HAVE, POSSESS Understanding Spirit, THEN Pay ATTENTION, Listen to Spirit and DO, OBEY EVERY Thought of Obedience, as the Body, Bride of Christ.  ANY unbelieving part of Body will be Removed, Cut off, LEFT behind in, with darkness.

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