Tuesday, May 21, 2024

They shall Know you BY Spirit, Witness, Truth, IN you His Body, Evidence of Life.

 What He HAS DONE FOR His Body, Bride, Bride NOW Understands BY Spirit. The religious sons of perdition, kingdom OF flesh and blood, HAS NO excuse left that HAS NOT BEEN Removed by God, Spirit, Life IN Believers BORN OF Truth.  The Cross of Love, that BLED OUT the spirit of AIR IN the blood, mouth of flesh.  You HAVE NO Excuse for disobedience.  Disobedience IS doubt of UNBELIEF, thoughts of death that shall bury you back to dust void of Water.

Christ treated all with Love, those with Him knew not the one Chosen to EXCHANGE Reality, Pearl, for human imagination, thoughts and desire for temporary money of THIS temporary world.   From rags TO Riches, His Bride COMES IN the Glory of Brightness TO Him.

NONE is LOST IN TIME of darkness, but the seed of unbelief that entered the flesh of Adam.  Christ Raised the Seed, Dormant in ORIGINAL Adam, Hidden BEFORE Rain Came upon THE dust of TIME.  SURPRISE. God Raised FALLEN flesh Adam, BLED OUT the OLD life of disobedience, and Raised the Restored Flesh of Adam, FROM TIME.  We ARE that Body, Bride, Flesh, GOD Refused to LEAVE BEHIND WITH her darkness.  Spirit Teacher and Understanding, UNITES Man and Bride ONE in the Eyes of God.

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