Seek and Remain in the SUBSTANCE OF God, God IN the Body of Christ. God's House OF Brightness has MANY Rooms Filled with Light. Do not argue with rooms of darkness in the house, body of darkness, deceit. The Spirit IS ALL, EVERYTHING. Let Christ our Head Keep His Body FILLED WITH the Thoughts of Mind, God the MIND accessed THROUGH Christ our Head.
The NEW, ONLY the virgin souls Prepared to depart NOW, HAVING Spirit, Substance OIL within LEFT, Crossing OVER OUT OF TIME. God uses the temporary, ordinary and the Eternal, Precious, each and ALL for His Purpose IN TIME. The Clean instruments MUST TURN FROM, ALL, ALL disobedience, doing wrong NOT Right. Depart the passions of flesh and blood, STRIVE FOR God, Truth, Faith, Love, Peace. The Work of Christ's Body, a Purified Heart OF Presence OF Fire, IS to Speak Truth TO flesh of darkness that God May Give them chance, opportunity TO Repent and Come to Truth, God IN Christ.
Warning TO His Body Following Him Head OUT of this world of darkness, a womb WHERE the Living souls COME OUT IN UNION TO Head, Mind of God. Those in continual connection, Union with Truth, COME BY Right Mind, Thoughts of Truth their Guide IN, and through the darkness, OUT INTO the ARMS OF God WAITING. ANY separation and the fetus NEVER COMES Alive in the Body OF Christ, Truth. WHEN skin of serpent falls from us, We BEHOLD God OUR Father. Spirit places us in His Arms. REMEMBER the Warning of Love, the LAST days, hours, times of darkness, NIGHT will BE difficult BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE IN Union, ONENESS With Spirit.
THE END, difficult, hard BECAUSE Godless flesh is selfish, greedy, boastful, conceited, insulting, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unkind, unmerciful, slanderers, VIOLENT, FIERCE, IRRELIGIOUS, HATING the GOOD. They will be TREACHEROUS, RECKLESS, SWOLLEN BY PRIDE. Swelling of poison, IN LOVE WITH PLEASING THEIR FLESH, instead of Pleasing God.
THEIR OWN HUMAN desires, the thoughts and deeds, acts of fallen flesh, a burden ONLY By Presence of Spirit IS Removed IN Time, so they ARE Enabled TO ENTER INTO Kingdom of Perfection, God. Understand, Know that ALL Seeking to ENTER will be persecuted by spirit of darkness in his flesh, body, house. The children, the servants, workers of darkness that seek to take hold and their spirit, poison, spirit of AIR, separate you by your flesh FROM God.
BE PERFECT AS Your SPIRIT, Father IS PERFECT. Speak Truth, the Thoughts of, God, Spirit in you. Bless those flesh by spirit, AS Body of Christ. God Blessed us His enemies by human spirit. BE AT PEACE with ALL the things of darkness TEMPT you TO SEPARATE you FROM Spirit. Serve God IN His Spirit, until APPROVED BY God TO COME HOME OUT OF darkness.
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