Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The cups of unrighteous water and bitterness, thoughts of weeds, that hide by pretence

What IN Reality they are.  Human lamps of flesh that of pride conceal the Brightness from the blind IN death, body of temporary darkness IN TIMEs of darkness. Lord the darker the darkness, the Brighter is Seen, Revealed the Light IN His Lamps, PASSING THROUTH there TIME OF darkness.  There is NO DARKNESS WHATSOEVER IN His Body, Bride of NEW virgin souls, REBORN of Crucified Christ.

MANY the deceived by darkness, their blindness within, but God His Will, His Way, Spirit IS BEING DONE.  By Faith, Life IN Your Presence, in Your Name, by Your Power I ASK You to GLOIFY You God, Raise up such a Harvest of Living Wheat, that the spirit of the dead can not CONCEAL the Truth, Power of God from the last Generations in time.  Son of God, Shepherd of Brightness, SHINE, Lead Y,our Flock BY Spirit in Your the LIVIING Path of Obedience. VERY Thoughts of God. By Your Light, Truth, Flame Your Children ARE NOW Being Saved from the darkness of NIGHT, TIME.  Father Glorify Your Self, Presence Power and Save from such a TIME AS THIS darkness in hearts of flesh.  Brightness SHINE FORTH, that the devil, thoughts of darkness VANISH WITH TIME.  Bless the Church of LIVING SOULS, Body of Christ TO BRING FORTH Reality to the world lost unto darkness of human imagination, mind ,  DEAD IN TIME, alive to darkness, human imagination, DEAD VOID OF Spirit, Separated from Reality, Spirit, Mind of God.

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