Monday, May 20, 2024

OUR Reward IS Christ. Christ IN We His Body BY Faith.

 Souls that were DEAD in unbelief, disobedience, Chosen for the Life of Christ, SAINTS Prepared by Spirit the Power of God, to Glorify God, Life, Peace on earth as IN Heaven.  Spirit by Faith ENTERS THE SOUL, Raises the dead soul TO Life.  The Dormant Seed hidden in the soul, Quickens into Life by Living Waters, Spirit, Rain.   The seed of disobedience, child of unbelief, NEVER enters the Kingdom of OBEDIENT Saints.  Obedience unto Living Word, COMES BY Rain, Spirit.

God's Holy Garden, Mind without weeds of disobedience.  The Body of are is Washed, Sanctified Justified, IN TIME, BECOME NEW, SOULS A Body, that ENTER AS ONE the Kingdom of His Presence, Gathered as ONE, Led CAPTIVE IN UNION WITH Head, Christ.  BY Obedience, ONENESS with Spirt, a SOUL Reborn into Body, ENTERS Life with God, through PERFECT OBEIDNCE, Union with Truth.  The GLORIOUS Spirit OF POWER, Delivers us from destruction in the body of the dead in disobedience.   We WERE the OLD fallen flesh, body of Adam-Eve one, NOW IN UNION WITH Truth, becoming ENTIRELY NEW Body, Alive by His Obedience.  We ARE the Body of Christ, Life according to God, Spirit, IF WE CONTINUE Conforming to Faith, Substance of God,  We IN UNION OF Faith, depart the world, womb of darkness, INTO Father's Arms.

God has given ALL to His TOOL OF Wrath, death, To Separate the seed of disobedience from the Seed of Christ DORMANT until Rain QUICKENDS US, ROOTS us in the Body of Life.  Satan the spirit of destruction, drives us TO Christ FOR Obedience TO God.  God the Spirit that Saves SAINTS in time, FROM disobedience of the dead, dying back to DUST.  OUR Father TEMPTS NOT, but Satan, his devils of temptation, father of the disobedient to him they return to dust.  God the Reality, the Brightness, the Substance that is not darkness of the TEMPORARY world OF TIME.

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