Tuesday, May 21, 2024

IN Christ before TIME GONE, or its lights of NIGHT, OUT WITH darkness. Deut. ch 13:14/

 Listen to Spirit OF Love, Reality, not to the words of false prophets, blind guides, DREAMERS living the life of their OWN human thoughts, imagination's of flesh and AIR.

Obey Him His VOICE, Thoughts of Spirit and CLING UNTO Life.  Do not allow OWN soul be ENTICED BY human spirit, away from Christ, to serve other spirits, thoughts NOT God.

DO NOT ALLOW the thoughts of people, thoughts of THEIR human spirit ENTICE YOU TO agree with THEIR spirit, life of the beast, source of human thoughts of EVIL IMAGINATION. DO NOT listen, give time to them, do not ALLOW the eye of flesh and blood PITY that dead soul.  ARE you God?  ONLY God by His MERCY CAN Deliver them from own evil.  STONE THE God UNCONSIOUS SOUL TO death with Rock of Truth. WHY?? BECAUSE he the devil in him has TRIED TO separate you from Your Lord, Truth, Groom.

I the Lord HAVE BROUGH you OUT OF Eygpt, the house of bondage, chains of OTHER gods.   The WICKED, THOUGHTS OF the beast Shall NOT BECAUSE I God, Truth, REALITY BEYOND dreamers of darkness, NIGHT TIME.  KEEP thy SOUL UNTO Truth, ALL Thoughts, Commands OF Spirit?   BECAUSE I God, Holiness, AM your Father, Spirit that Separates, MAKES you MINE BY Holy Spirit, POWER.  DO ALL that IS Right unto God.   Enabled by Spirit to See Eye to Eye with Spirit IN Body.

I HAVE Traveled ALL Night TO the Place Called Peace with God. The NIGHT of, in TIME is long, BUT the Celebration IS to DIE FOR.

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