Christ and His Bride SHALL RULE AS ONE. We ARE the Bride BEING Prepared BY Spirit, TO BE His Bride of PERFECT OBEDIENCE TO Her King, Her Lord, TRUTH of God's Mouth. Beloved who ARE the Friends OF God His Presence? Those Called, Chosen BY God FOR God. TO? Think. Think always of Jesus. By Spirit we bear the Thoughts OF TRUTH, AS Virginal SOULS, We REJECT darkness FOR Light. ALWAYS RESIST the darkness of TIME CONSTALY seeking a WAY BACK into the flesh of TIME, OF DARKNESS. Please do not separate from the Spirit, Life, from Lips of Truth BACK TO lips of deceit IN flesh.
Come LET the Body of Christ, EXERCISE WITH Head. The Exercise of Walking, Learning to RUN in the Thoughts of God, the Mind of Christ OUR Head NOW Ruling us, not the thoughts, desires of a body VOID OF Spirit, Life OF Truth. BE Ready for the unknown time? NOW, always NOW Ready to depart this world where there is death when disconnected from Reality. DO NOT LOOK AT ANY THING BUT Him, the Eye of the Mind IS ALWAYS ON those BY Spirit IN Christ.
HOW can the Believer WITH Help, fall back, DOWN? IMPOSSIBLE UNLESS forsake, resist, separate from Believing, Following Spirit. BUT Spirit HOLDS TIGHT by Spirit in the Chosen TO Stand. The Hand, the Power, the Presence of God, Loves and disciplines my resistance, Better to Walk than be drug through hell by Spirit all the Way Home. Time is FOR Surrender. Time to Call, Pray for Help Home. Do not waste your TIME given you. BE Led BY LOVE IN THE STEPS, Path of Obedience.
The greater the darkness, the Brighter the Light, the Power of God Revealed. Christ HAS Finished His Work. NOW Believe in His Work, and Live the Life without disobedience to God. The lion of darkness takes by his mouth, teeth, WHOMSOEVER belongs to darkness.
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