Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Christ, Sword of Truth, Mouth of God HAS SLAIN the beast of AIR in blood of Bride.

 The fallen spiritually  adulteress given her self, soul unto UNBELIEF, her old heart, PIERCED BY Truth, dead the old UN-FAITH-FULL soul, BLED OUT, THEN Raised Alive BY Spirit, Filled with Spirit, VERY Breath, Life of God His Presence.   The Bride of NEW Garment Lives, Serves, Sacrifices her soul UNTO Her Head, Husband, Son of God.

TheLord Spirit, Separates the Bride from her UNCLEANESS, that t he fallen woman, flesh and children DIE OF.  Leviticus15:31-32, and the fallen man that gives his seed-of-flesh to death of separation from God's Spirit, IS DEATH of the man.

The MERCY Seat.  The souls IN the Ark of God His ?  Under the Wings of Christ His Spirit, Seated upon the Ark, Throne as God, Immortal.  The ARK UNVEILED TO THEM within.  Leviticus16:2.  Remaining IN Christ ALWAYS, ALL times.  Christ took upon Him Self our disobedience in the wilderness of beasts.  Slain for us to Separte, Make us Free, Cleansed of disobedience.  Faith in God His Word, His Presence, IS now our Perpetual Sabbath of Rest.

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