Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Any fear, any drawing back from Truth, Love, God, is darkness in flesh of disobedience.

The fear of the spirit of disobedience to keep you separated from Truth, Reality, Life.  The WAVES OF darkness ROAR, until the Stillness, Presence, Peace Comes to Raise you above the waves to Walk without fear of falling down beneath the waves of fear.

God Saves not by HUMAN mind, wisdom, thoughts of darkness, but WITH SIMPLE Grace.  The Power of Obedience IN His Chosen flesh of TIME.  But for God, IN Christ, NOW in His Body, we are like every other dead soul LOST IN darkness.  Grace.  The Presence of the Light of Brightness SHINING Forth His Path, of Light for our Feet.  Drowning under the waves of darkness, devoured by wolves of darkness IN TIME?  We HAD the death-sentence, thoughts of death IN us, WHY?  The Wisdom of God that we trust not in human self, thoughts, BUT IN God, Truth, Thoughts of the LIVING.  Trust in God, giving not our self to darkness the enemy.
The Bride TRUSTS Her Word of God, Thoughts of God the Mind of Reality,  ABIDING IN TRUST Spirit, He SHALL Raise us, our Hope, He IN US, Deliver us from womb darkness Alive IN Reality.  By Faith, Spirit, we BEAR the Thoughts of God INTO Reality.  The INWARD Christ Seen IN His Body, Bride Her, Mind, the Thoughts of Truth, Seed of God.

The Hidden Dormant Seed IN Body of Christ, THIRSTS FOR Living Water, Spirit.  NOTHING BUT the Spirit CAN QUENCH Her Thirst for God.

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