I HAVE APOLOGISED for ALL the thoughts and ACTIOS of unbelief I hindered others from Seeing Christ, Truth at Work, Transforming me into a Room in the House of Love. I apologize for thinking the SOUL existed OUTSIDE Christ, LOST in thoughts of deceit. The HARDEST is the forgiving your human self that kept this SOUL chained, being led unto death OF BOTH soul and body of death as ONE.
Awareness, Consciousness of Truth, HUMBLED SOUL INTO Obedience. SO LITTLE Time left outside Eternity, TO BY Faith, Belief, Rise and Walk at the Sound of His Presence. What MORE Glorious THEN Voice of BREATH Moving through His Wind Instruments, what Compares to the Sound of Thunder Coming forth from His Clouds BEFORE the Pouring of Rain? HOW BEAUTIFUL the Voice of Thunder JUST BEFORE His Rain, Spirit POURS DOWN. Love ENBRACES the HUMBLE Heart.
Faith CAN MOVE mountains of pride, Lift you Body Above them. IF you HAVE Faith, or are you lying to your-self that DENIES the Truth, Presence of God? Your own human thoughts are not God's Christ. TREMENDOUS the deceit that roots you to TIME, little there of Faith? Faith the size of a MUSTARD seed CAN Save from darkness of death. Human flesh lies, testifies falsehood in resistance, opposition to Truth. The Rock and Hammer of God HAS Broken the chains of disobedience off the Body of Christ, by His Obedience on behalf of His Body.
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