Sunday, June 2, 2024

Giving Testimony BEFORE THE ONLY Judge there IS. I Know thereby Confess WHAT God, Spirit alone HAS DONE.

I Confess the Power of God, His Presence, IS Reality.   The god of my human imagination IS Removed,by the Power, Presence of God within my soul.  The Body of Obedience BECOMES Mine after graduation, departure from human flesh my garment IN TIME.  NONE CAN Call Jesus Lord BUT BY His Spirit within the soul.  THE lion of time HAS BEEN Swallowed by Lion of Brightness. Great is the Lord, His Power, His HOLD upon the Body GIVEN TO Him BY FATHER, Spirit Eternal, Love.

The many religions of flesh and blood, AIR, are not the Life of Spirit IN Christ, Head and Body. Live Christ or die in disobedience separated from Life by unbelief IN TIME.  Let those lost in partial Obedience, which is in the Eyes of God, disobedience trying to sneek, enter the Kingdom of Life.

Some, parital obedience, less wrath, BUT NO Entrance, DENIED.

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