Monday, June 3, 2024

The HIDDEN Coin in the Fish. The Pearl of Wisdom hidden in flesh of earth and TIME.

 God Knows WHERE Everything His IS Hidden IN TIME.  WHAT God Demands OF the Body of Christ our Head HAS ALREADY DONE for us IN TIME OF UNBELIEF. NOW Wake up IN Faith and Walk in the Obedience of Christ His Spirit.  Truth DOES IN us WHAT God Demands OF us BECAUSE WE ARE the Body of Christ.

SECRET OF Spirit.  WHEN you Serve Truth, the Thoughts of Truth, Mind of Truth OPEN UNTO you.  My Father YOUR Father of Head AND Body, Bride, GIVES TO US HIS VERY Thoughts to Deliver IN TIME of need.

The Promise of Christ, Truth of Spirit, that He WILL BE WITH His BODY UNTO the END of Time.  BEWARE of religious flesh and blood, AIR, they WILL PERSECUTE You My Body, You A Testimony AGAINST them, children of flesh of unbelief.  NOW, WHEN they deliver you unto persecution by flesh, Testify BY Spirit Truth, Evidence of My Presence, Thoughts IN you. Matthew 10:19. God, Life that Separates His Beavers FROM THE DEAT OF TIME, Father WILL Give TO you, the Thought of Truth in the VERY MOMENT OF need.

It IS NOT HUMAN spirit, BUT Spirit of God, His Presence WITHIN you THAT Speaks.  AS Christ WAS Hated by flesh of religion, human spirit, SO they His Body ALSO HATE.  HOLD TO the Spirit and pass out of TIME unharmed, both Soul and Flesh.

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