Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The towers of darkness, their pride their own fall out of existence WITH Time.

 The beasts of darkness are bridled by error. BUT the LOST Body, Bridled by Truth, TURNS, Returns Home. The seed of doubt GROWS INTO UNBELIEF, fruit of poison. MANY the chariots of darkness, many the minds of darkness, THOUGHTS OF darkness, BUT they CAN NOT Stand AGAINST the Armor, Spirit and the Sword, Blade, Tongue of God.  Woe to them that BOW DOWN to pride within them, rely on a serpent human thought to Save them.  They LOOK NOT TO God our Helper, Deliverer, Restorer to Life.  Christ the Victorious ONE, will NEVER ALLOW evil to enter the Mind of His Bride, Body.  Woe to ALL doubt of UNBELIEF, all the wicked that serve the body, flesh of darkness IN TIME. WOE to UNBELIEVERS that REFUSE UNTO death in time, TO COME-TO, Awaken in Conscious State of Mind.  The horses of wickedness ARE men of flesh ridden by human spirit, we the Body, Chariot of Brightness Gathering INTO Body survivors Chosen to BE Gathered FROM TIME Carried in Body INTO PERPETUAL Kingdom of God.  TURNED BY Spirit, Presence OF God, INTO Body of Truth.

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