Sunday, June 2, 2024

1John, INSIDE us? Greater than the world of flesh and spirit , NOW in? ch 4:4.

 WHAT the world of flesh and blood cannot See, Understand is a GREATER Spirit LOST unto the fallen flesh bound in the chains, thoughts of flesh, home, house of a human spirits, one or many as ONE occupation in flesh of TIME.   INSIDE the Chosen Bride, Her Father, Spirit is Feared by darkness.  The Light IS WITH, IN Her His Lamp Walking through the darkness of TIME Coming Home in the Power of His Will, Presence.  The Bride, the Body of Christ.  The Perfect House of TRUE Worship. Built by Spirit for His Living souls OF Faith to Come, BE Gathered IN.

The HUMAN church gathered unto a WRITTEN Truth is not the Church of LIVING Truth, Spirit. Souls kept OUTSIDE Reality, until their spirit BECOMES Spirit of the LIVING.  The Unforgettable, INVINCABLE Christ, Seed of Truth, Roots in the soul BY Rain, Light, an inseparable Truth, Life, Faith Revealed with Coming of Rain and Light of His Presence.   TENDER Tree Rooted in God. TO Produce the Fruit, Thoughts of God FOR the Mouth of Christ's Body.  

IN us Hidden, the Dormant Seed in Adam WHEN his SOUL fell. We THIS Body Raised Obedient by Spirit and Truth , now our VERY Life we Live. Not of OUR human will, human power as hypocrites, pretenders, BUT AS Genuine Spiritual Reflections of God within, Revealed outwardly to the world of darkness.

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