Sunday, June 2, 2024

The SPIRITUAL Kingdom of God His Presence? The Spirit in the Body, THE Kingdom of the Living souls.

NARROW is the Gate. The HUMBLE ENTER BOWED DOWN UNTO Obedience, Spirit. The flesh can not Understand WHAT the Resurrected Body CAN, DOES BY Spirit.  ONLY God, our Father, and Lord His Word...ROOTED AS ONE Shall EVER, Return into the Spirit BY Spirit. AS Substance of Substance.

NO flesh led by human flesh, thoughts flesh can understand, will EVER FIND the Opened Door unto the Children of Spirit.  The Truth of Spirit Given us TO Spirit within, the Secret Thought OF Life, OURS.

The ONLY way flesh and blood of AIR, gets out of this world OF TIME, is BOTH DEAD SOUL with DEAD Flesh of DUST.

The TEST OF TIME. There IS NO release from prison of TIME but with the Key OF Truth, Spirit, Mind of God, His Presence.  ALL I have Power to DO is Reveal the Truth Given TO me  BY Spirit of Understanding.  The Spirit within, Life COMPELLS my SOUL to Reveal NOT HIDE the Key TO Life from any God DRAWS BY Spirit INTO Understanding Reality, separation from HUMAN imagination.

You NEED NO other teacher, doctrin, spirit BUT God, Spirit of His Spirits, Substance in His Substance. Lean not upon your OWN human thoughts that flow from the mind of deceit, masquerading as God. Eve and Adam, ONE Body BECAME Separated by one spirit of deceit, INTO nations of unbelievers.   Christ the Eternal Tree of the Eternal Kingdom, WHERE the soul NEVER dies.

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