Thursday, June 6, 2024

The ONLY Way TO Know, EXPERIENCE God, IS the Presence of Christ. The Secret of Good IN you.

 Do not allow anyone to deceive you that the WRITTEN IS the Living Truth of God' Mind, Mouth.  REBORN a Living soul to BE Matured by Truth, to BEAR the VERY Spirit, Source, Mind of Truth,  in you BEARING Christ into the realm of darkness, TIME.

Christ IS the Secret OF God, Reality. His Spirit alone Gives Life TO THE Chosen to Receive.  The ACCEPTING Truth, Christ as Lord.  We NOW Live the Life Understood in Union with Spirit.  NOTHING CAN DECEIVE, separate us from Christ, Truth.  We BOND slaves of Love, REFUSE TO Listen to any other spirit THAN God.  The Presence of God Knows His LOST in time under the waves of darkness, and He Rescues His Children BY His Presence, Power, Life.

Perpetually being Saved from TIME of darkness by His Spirit, Guardian within Body of Life, Christ. The FULL CONTENT OF Divine Nature, God, Spirit Lives IN Christ.  We ARE the Body of Christ being Saved by Head, the Mind, Spirit, VERY Breath of God.

We NOW Live by, through Faith in the ACTUAL Power of God, Presence Saving, Raising us up FROM TIME in Union with Head.  Time is but darkness, where the Fetus of Life, Hears but can not BEHOLD yet the Face of God HIDDEN by human flesh of TIME, God the Reality.  Christ PUT ON flesh of TIME, that by Faith WE Perceive the Presence of God IN Christ. AND COME Alive unto Reality while still in womb of time.  The MOVEMENT OF Life QUICKENED waiting FOR Faith  to NOW be REBORN, the Likeness, a Body, Bride for Christ the Head.

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