Sunday, June 2, 2024

Life BEYOND HUMAN flesh, alien to flesh the supernatural Life of Christl.

 A world of human spirits, emotions, that attack anything that seek to discover, find God.  An invisible circus of activity, distraction, to hook the mind and pull away, out of the Path, the Way OUT of human madness.   Every human spirit source of human thoughts wants you to give up. Learn stillness. Human spirits, thoughts of darkness keep your mind from STILLNESS.   God IS Stillness of Peace, Seek Peace. His Presence IS Peace.  There was Peace, Life in the Garden UNTIL left alone without Spirit Present.

God an EVER-PRESENT Presence. The Spirit, the Life of Christ. AN IMPOSSIBLE, UNACHIEVABLE Life, ONLY Possible with Spirit IN you.  Moses Learned ALL THINGS Possible WHEN God is with you. TIME IS EXISTANCE IN THE womb of TIME, until the MATURE soul IS Ready to be Harvested from TIME TO Eternity.  The soul is unacceptable to God bearing human thoughts. The incomplete soul never comes out the womb Alive into the Light.  The heart that searches for that which is missing, yearning for the Presence of God, YEARNS for the Light lost from flesh torn, disconnected. NEVER, NEVER, Never CEASE to Believe, CALL, UNTIL He COMES and OPENS the human heart to Remain, Speak and Lead you WHERE He Desires you TO BE. To Be A Vessel overflowing with Living Waters a Drink for those DYING OF THIRST.  A deep Well in the desert of TIME.

Married by Spirit, TWO souls as ONE. The many Virgin souls unto Bridegroom, the Bride MANY IN ONE Body, The TRUE Church of God.   The Church of His Brightness.   Living BY Spirit IN Obedience is  TRUE Life, not a WRITTEN life that flesh THINKS is the Living Power, Spirit. The WRITTEN for seekers in time.  The Spirit of TRANSFORMATION, the Presence that ALLOWS Entrance, Access, TO the Mind, Thoughts of God, FROM God.  BEING Separated from human spirit, temporary life, BY Presence of Power, Spirit, Truth. God Gives the Bride TO His Son. To BRING FORTH the Seed, Thoughts, Reality into the realm of darkness.  Bring Life to a Lifeless planet of darkness.   Believers are aliens to the world, but Children, Friends, Known BY God.

Live IN Obedience by the Presence, Power of God, BY FAITH Walk and Live upon the earth as the Body, Bride of Christ.  The Bride being TESTED for Her absolute devotion to Christ.  Body of souls Prepared to die, ENTER AFTER-life to Live ONE with Him.

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