Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Word of Truth, Sung by Spirit, IS OUR Song. Isaiah. Lift up Voice of Spirit, GLORIFY God.

 The towers of pride, flesh shall fall, but the Tower of God, Stands unfallen in TIME.  God, Spirit, CAUSES His Spirit to BE Heard BY UNCONSCIOUS flesh of darkness, BUT Heard IN then THROUGH His Chosen Wind Instruments.  The Call , the Trumpet Call TO Freedom.  WOE TO ALL that look to flesh and blood to Save them.  We WAIT ON God, His Will, His Power TO Save from human darkness, being governed, ruled by flesh of darkness.  The Body of Christ, HAS Understanding, and Wait to BE Saved BY Spirit. Word, Mind of God His Presence.

The GLORIOUS Voice IS Heard, and BY His Arm the Lightning IS SHOWN TO those Understanding, the enemy given unto Tophet, sacrificed upon the flame, tongue of darkness UNTO their father of darkness, TIME.  The Rain COME DOWN to PUT OUT the raging fire of darkness.  The example of fallen flesh IS Replaced with the Example of Christ.  Those BOUND BY Understanding TO Truth, Shall ENTER the Presence of God, Reality, Led by Christ His Spirit.

Lord You ARE My God, my Spirit that I Hear and OBEY. I Will NOT Stop PRAISING Your Name, I will EXALT Thee in the presence of flesh and blood, every other spirit, thought, desire, AS God.  Thy Counsel, Thy Spirit, Thy Thoughts, TRUTH, MARVELOUS, Your the Mind of Wonder Give Faith, Truth, Love TO me, Gift OF HAVING, BEARING Your Substance, Seed with Rain, INTO my OWN Reality, Life on earth.

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