Sunday, June 2, 2024

NO SOUL OUTSIDE OF Christ His Body, CAN Claim Salvation. The Body OBEYS Head ABSOLUTELY.

The Bride, Body IS ONE WITH Head, UNITED BY Spirit, Thoughts AS ONE.  The body of flesh is a coffin that carries Godless, Lifeless soul BACK TO DUST.  The SOUL BY Faith Receive the Thoughts of God and LIVE out time in PERFECT OBEINCE AS Body of Christ, TO GRADUATE FROM TIME into MATURE SOUL, Spirit entering Spiritual Reality OUTSIDE the womb OF TIME IN darkness.

Who CAN Call Christ Lord, but His Body of Obedience B Y Faith.  The human spirit confuses imagination with Reality. The Holy Eunuch of the Kingdom NEVER Leaves the Bride alone with human spirit, human thoughts. The Guardian Angel, Presence of the Lord.

The pride of flesh leads the fallen flesh farther into darkness than BEFORE.  The ENTRANCE OF Spirit into the soul its mind and heart of flesh, IS Life back from the dead TO the Living of Christ.

Father and Son THEIR Business Holiness, HAS BEEN DONE UNTO those who BELIEVE therefore Live the Life of Obedience as the Body of Christ upon this earth OF TIME.

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