Thursday, June 6, 2024

Rescued from the power, spirit of darkness, BROUGHT INTO Christ our Freedom and Forgiveness.

 This spirit of darkness fears the Christ, Rainbow of Presence, and SHRINKS BACK, because Light and Peace with God IS DEATH of disobedience. God HAS DONE THIS.  His Presence the darkness fears. NEVER willingly becomes ONE with the Divine Light.

Darkness begets thoughts of darkness, a kingdom of darkness in the human mind. Hell bound that soul. Christ the Life OF Faith that IS OURS by Thought OF Spirit. Life in Body, not temporary AIR in flesh.  The Church of Christ, Church OF Obedience, not partial obedience, church of darkness, hypocrisy, pretense.  Human BEINGS can deceive each other, PRETEND, but God Knows every thought the soul thinks that IS NOT His Thought.   The children of darkness, bastards of hell, shall NOT ENTER the Kingdom of Christ, God IN Christ.   

Reality MUST REPLACE human imagination, thoughts leading TO DEATH, outside the Kingdom of His Presence.  My Children are Returned BY Light, are ASLEEP IN Christ with Me.

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