Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Spirit REMOVES the tree of death, thoughts of death, FROM His Garden, Restored a Tree, Mind, Fruit God.

 Those who WAIT for Him His Spirit, Presence to OBEY, these will He Save from evil self-thoughts. The HUMAN mind, impatient, self-led flesh, WAITS NOT ON God, but serves QUICKLY the evil self of darkness within.  God. OUR God, OUR Father, we ARE His REBORN Spiritual Children, the Body of Christ that ALWAYS Walks according to Mind, IN Head.  The children of flesh lean upon their human spirit, thoughts of flesh and shall die OUTSIDE void of Spirit, Power, Thoughts to ENTER IN BY.  The Thoughts, Word of Truth IS OUR Judge, He the Source of WHAT IS Right.  The Kingdom of God is a SPIRITUAL Kingdom that LIVING SOULS Dwell within the Mind, Presence of God FOREVER.

TIME, is for WEEDING, Removing, setting aside that to be burned by tongue, flame of darkness into utter nonexistence outside TIME.  We ARE the Eternal, OBEDIENT Body, BY Faith IN God His Spirit, Power, Word.  Blessed ARE ALL His Chosen TO Receive the Blessing of His Presence, ours as the Body Christ Raised unto God, Perfection, Spirit.  TIME IS FOR Removing any thought, fruit, spirit NOT God. O ye lovers of SELF, WAKE UP before the NIGHTTIME is over.  The Light of Brightness IS Lifted up, SHINES FORTH in the darkness.  Mercy upon ALL Seekers of Truth, Reality, they who surrender not to flesh, mind of flesh, thoughts of flesh, desires, AND FOLLOW HARD after the Truth, Christ, A Life not a religion that flesh follows.  The ONLY Spirit we the Body of Christ Listen to and Follow, IS Christ's.

God HAS, IS DOING This, the END of darkness IN TIME, Removed by the Spirit from the flesh Chosen by Faith to BECOME the Flesh of Perfect Spirit.  ONLY THAT Grafted ONE will Stand WHEN the dust settles back into the earth, dust of time.

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