Monday, June 3, 2024

The Portal, Eye, RIecognigion, thea OPENS the Door unto those PERSISTANT that they LIVE THERE.

 WE ARE the souls that ABIDE, Stored in His Body.  The Spirit OPENS Christ, the Door, AND LEADS IN every soul Alive into Christ.  Spirit Knows HOW TO Separate the seed, thoughts of darkness in flesh From the Kingdom of the LIVING SOULS.

At the Door of Father's House, THOSE WHO Know Him will not stop Calling, knocking in the Name of Jesus, TO COME IN.  Christ IS NOW Become our Reality IN the Children from slumber with, in darkness.  Surrender to Live, ENTER INTO Kingdom BY Christ His Spirit THE ONLY Key that opens the Mind, Way INTO Reality, Life with God

It IS God His Choice ALONE, His Taking Hold of SOUL by His Spirit, Thought, Word.

There is NO Good, Spirit, Truth, BUT the Presence of Eternal God, Life WITHIN US.  The flesh loves a WRITTEN truth, for LIVING Truth, Life CONFORMS INTO Body of Christ, His Obedience.

The Examination by Eye of Spirit, IS IMOSSIBLE TO deceive.  Pretense of flesh masquerading as Christ by WRITTEN Words, ARE NOT THE Genuine Life of LIVING SOULS within His Body.  TIME bound souls, by flesh, blind, deaf, DEAD IN TIME?  Have OBLY ONE Way to ENTER, THAT is ENTRANCE OF OBEDIENT SOUL INTO Body of Resurrection.  God Eternal Reality, God the EVER-NOW,  Life Lived by Spirit of PERPETUAL Goodness, IS INCONCEIVABLE, IMPOSSIBLE, NONEXISTANT TO flesh and blood.  BUT Possible for the Body of Christ, EVERY SOUL, Cell, Room of His Body FULLNESS OF Light without the speak of darkness.  The Scriptures, Truth, Door into the Mind of God, IS OPENED BY Spirit UNTO THE LOST Children of God. He is Leaving His Light ON until ALL His Home within Him, God.

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