Christ and His Body, STRANGE to the children born of flesh and blood OF AIR. We ARE Peculiar Children, Eternal PASSING THROUGHT Time in Christ His Spirit. COULDS OF Rain and Wind. Fear not FOR I AM thy Shield, my Presence, Spirit, YOUR GREAT Reward of Hearing and Believing. God the Reward of OBEDIENCE Given to the Resurrected Body of Christ, Life of Separation from flesh and AIR of TIME. We to them of darkness, SEEM, APPEAR OUTWARDLY like them. BUT WITH IS Christ, Life according to Spirit. DO NOT ARGUE with them, leave them to their darkness, God HAS Declared We who Live Christ TO OUR END of TIME, Shall be Carried by Spirit, Ascend INTO Eternity.
Christ IS A Life, Spent in Obedience TO God. He is not a religion, followers of written truth, Christ His Spirit of Faith, His Life, NOW OURS as His Body. Let God, BE God. Let us BE Faith-full Servants, the Body of Christ. The Thoughts of God ARE OURS THROUGH Christ our Head. God IS THE Mind, Spirit of Truth, EVERY Thought Goodness, Mercy, Love.
Blessed BE the Highest God, Spirit, Truth, that Delivers your enemies INTO Thy Hand. We ARE the Body of Resurrection Following in the Thoughts of Christ, Truth, OUT OF DARKNESS INTO THE Reality, Brightness of God
HAS NOT God Revealed through Christ TO His Body, EAT NOT that which comes not from God. The thoughts of the serpent of darkness ARE death.
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