That Chosen BELONGING TO God, Spirit, Love, Peace, Mercy. I Reveal My Self, Substance to the Children of MY Substance and My Spirit and Word of My Spirit SHALL RISE AGAINST thee, Remove you from TIME into Eternal darkness of your mind.
The life, spirit, AIR, is IN the blood of human flesh, that which IS blood shall PURSUE you AND darkness rule in and over you IN TIME until I Make thee PERPETUAL desolation. A world being TORN apart INTO MANY nations ruled by evil human flesh. Self-serving.
Come out from life in TIME, unto Life IN Eternity. Live OR die, you belong to Me, Everlasting Life. The Body of Christ KNOWS that God IS WITH, IN them, His Children OF Peace. Planted in the Garden of Truth, His Body BEARS His Fruit, Christ. ONE Fruit OF His Mind that IS ALL the Thoughts of God.
Do you human MULTIPLY YOUR THOUGHTS against The Mind of God IN Christ, Head? I HAVE Heard ALL your thoughts BLASPHEMES, the doubts, that QUESTION the Power of God. You Know NOT, NOR Rejoice in the Gift of God's Presence. BECAUSE of the enemy of Truth, the human spirit within your soul, that binds unto death, CAST into the pit of NO Way TO Return.
Know NOW that I AM God, that MAKES men TO Walk by My Presence. To Speak, BEARING MY Thoughts that Flow from Christ their Head. ALL, EVERY Thought God's, Eternal Refreshing. I CAUSE you to sleep, OR TO Awake before TIME OF, with darkness ENDS. The children of darkness GONE WITH him from TIME into NONEXISTENCE.
We His Body HAVE ONE New UNDIVIDED Heart, ONE Mind FIXED ON God, Spirit. That born of flesh and AIR time, By Will of God, Spirit, BREATHED INTO the Chosen, They Live NOT die with the body of flesh, children of darkness, without the Breath, Life, Light of God His Presence GUIDING them ALL the Way Home IN the Steps, Thoughts OF God. The Body Walks Home by Spirit of Christ, God AND Lives the Thoughts of Christ.
The temporary flesh, temporary AIR of this world ARE NOT Everlasting. Spirit of Christ unto Spirit IN us Speaks, Cries out as the Body UNTO those yet chained by deceit of the darkness.