Sunday, August 18, 2024

Mary the flesh of Judah and Spirit, THE Body Chosen by, FOR Life. The flesh of Christ, Chosen FOR Reign of Spirit, Obedience unto God.

 The Body OF Christ, THE Resurrection of Temple upon the Foundation of LIVING Word.  A LIVING Temple OF Obedience.  AND ALL the Congregation CALLED TO COME in TIME, Come BY Spirit, BEFORE the Door CLOSED TO the dead in disobedience, and ALL Body of Christ, LIVING SOULS THAT Walk in His Spirit of Obedience, NOW ENTERED IN, THE Hand of God SHALL Close His Door unto STRANGERS THAT Know NOT Him His PRESENCE.

ALL who deny, refuse, their hearts of darkness, ruled by human pride, RETURN TO their own human bondage, chains, thoughts that carry by mouth of death INTO NONEXISTENCE, NO Way TO Return.

The arrogant children of flesh, worship, follow their OWN human thoughts OF TIME.  The chains, thoughts of rebels, pain, evil desires, suffering of their own making, decisions of flesh.

We ARE the Body of Christ, VIRGINAL Flesh OF Spirit.  A House Repaired, Restored to Obedience.  A House, Flesh that Pleases God not the many HUMAN spirits of fallen flesh.  The LIVING SOBULS Gathered into, as the Body, Bride of Christ?  MUST BE without one thought, doubt of darkness, Faith-fullness UNTO Christ.  The Bearing ONLY THE Thoughts, Truth OF God INTO Existence, REALITY.

Christ the Man SENT TO BRING His Body BACK A Bride OF UNION, ONE.   The Promis Ring OF TRUTH.   God the Mind in Christ OUR Head, the VERY Thoughts OF Spirit, CAUSE us to Walk Pleasing Him, NOT our human spirit, AIR of death.

Adam made in the Image, LIKENESS OF God?  A flesh that Walked, Talked, was Fed the Thoughts of God by God, Spirit.  UNTIL God was NOT ENOUGH.  Adam desires a reflection of Adam to BE WITH him in the Garden of God's Presence.    Christ the RETURN OF ONE Body of LIVING SOULS, as ONE Man Serving the Spirit of God, His Presence.

To die void of Life, in the wilderness, desert, valey VOID OD Life,  A child of death.

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