I Come SENT BY My Father, to FIRST Testify Truth, THE Life POSSIBLE BY Spirit. THEN AFTER I Rise, Return Home, My Body Risen IN Union withe Head, THEN SHALL Life BE GONE, this world the graveyard where there is no Breath of Life IN them, TO Rise.
Children of disobedience, WITHOUT Spirit of Repentance, have no shedding the Tears OF Rain. The Rain and the Shine BRING FORTH Wheat IN TIME. Know thyself that human self in a soul IS death NOT Life. Nothing but flesh of earth, human spirits warring against each other, flesh.
The MANY prophets, messengers of God, IN TIME. Refused to TURN TO Obedience, by God's Command. They Received the WRITTEN Words of God, BUT they BORN OF FALLEN flesh IN TIME, had NO Way, Spirit, Understanding. They KILLED God's Messengers. SO Mercy Sent His Son, the LAST Messenger OF Truth in flesh, for the SPIRITUALLY BLIND, DEAF, DEAD, TO Receive, BE Healed, but they the children of the body of death, Adam-Eve, SLAY the Lamb OF God. Rejected, Denied, did not Believe the Living Truth IN Flesh. The body of darkness CRUCIFIED the Body of Christ unto death, BUT God OUR Father Raised Christ, Head and We His BODY, ONE. The ONLY Way out of TIME, is by Spirit, Eternal Day, Risen, Shining from within the Body of Christ.
We REBORN, ARE Now, the Body Christ that Speaks CALLING all that Live BY Spirit, not AIR, TIME IS NOW, to Come Home. IN the Ark BUILT BY God and His Carpenter, We Come Home IN TIME, BEFORE the Risen Day of Brightness.
EVERYTHHING, EVERY Thought Received by Spirit FROM Spirit, IS TRUE. Wake up, the religion, human spirit in men has HYPNOTIZED you, where you stand IN disobedience you Lifeless dust shall return to the dust beneath the Feet of His Body. Dust returned to dust.
God CAN make a Man of Spirit. A Perfect Man, a Body Governed by the Mind Presence of God. The first man of flesh and AIR WAS NEVER PERMANENT.
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