Monday, August 19, 2024

The Body, the Bride BEARS His Name, Spreads His Doctrine by Spirit OVER the land of TIME.

 ENTER EARLY in the Morning, the Temple, Body TO Teach.  Doing as God Tells us TO DO.  DO not fight by human spirit, thoughts, BECAUSE IF the Doctrine IS Truth, God, THEN flesh and blood CANNOT OVERCOME It.  ONLY BE FOUND GUILTY of Fighting, Resisting God.

The Body, the Temple of Christ, is FOUND Daily in EVERY Room, CEASE NOT TO Teach the Word, Preach Christ.

WHAT ANGERS the body, house, temple of darkness, is they HAVE NO DEFENSE, NO Way TO resist the Wisdom, the Spirit Body and Head Speak IN UNION.

The CRIME, accusation of flesh AGAINST the Spirit of God?  That is is not their human spirit, HUMAN wisdom, but Truth, Christ THE ENEMY OF deceit is BEING Heard.

The God OF Glory Appeared to Abraham, just as Angel of Prence APPEARS AND Speaks through Body of Christ, Believers.  Get thee out of the land of the dead and ENTER Christ that I Show, Reveal to you as the Place to Live without death

Out of the land, chains, thoughts of body of death, We ARE Called BY Spirit, INTO the Body of Christ, the Man of PERPETUAL Life, His Mind FIXED ON God.  The Word of God's Spirit, His Breath of Life, BREAKS the spell of darkness, Riases the dead from sleep to Awake without darkness.   Believers the Doctrine of God, Spirit, We ARE Baptized IN the Name of Christ BY Spirit.  

The Body, RUNS AHEAD of the Coming of Rain.  Prepare by Faith TO Receive.

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