The Children of God, Living souls that LOOK TO following OTHER gods not God. Drunks, intoxicated by the wine of disobedience, human thoughts. The wandering sheep in time, have NO Shepherd, NO Divine King, Power, Spirit Seared as Life OVER them. WANERING Sherd less Sheep, no king, no prince, NO SACRIFICE, HAVING NO Image, Likeness BY unto God, but reflections, images of the HUMAN spirit. Living the life of a nation without a King.
Suffering, separations, divisions, pain, Helplessness, death, THEN Shall the Children Remember, Know, REALIZE, RETURN AND Seek the Lord THEIR God.
IN the LATER TIME, they SHALL SEEK His Goodness, Spirit, Presence? AFTER their TIME OF TROUBLE-in-flesh. Under the Head, His Body foes do not curse, lie, steal, commit adultery, spill blood. The Body of Christ SHALL REPENT, MOURN, TURN from Sin UNTO God, Joy. APART FROM the Shepherd of the LIVING souls, the dead shall FALL in, UNTO the NIGHT. Shadows of the Night TIME OF Separation from Brightness.
The people who REJECT Spirit, Me, Knowledge, Truth, RIGHT Thoughts, Good Mind? They WHO REJECT, DO NOT Think of Me, I God will not Think, Remember them, NOT MINE BY Spirit. There is no thought of darkness, human flesh, IN the Kingdom of Brightness. ONLY Lights of Brightness, Shining.
AS They INCREASE in DISOBEDINCE against My Will, I will CHANGE their glory TO SHAME. The deceived, disconnected from Reality, fall DOWNWARD with NO Way to Rise UP, Separate from their INNER darkness unto death.
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