Sunday, August 18, 2024

life Changing Confesssion, the ACKNOWLEDGING own spirit of iniquity that IS TRANSGRESSION AGAINST the Lord.

 PROCLAIM the Truth you backslider of hypocrisy, child or pretense, Proclaim TRUTH your Freedom from human spirit, denier, concealer, false guide, misinterpreted of Truth.  The Truth that Saves is A Spirit, SUPREME, UTMOST Power.  Spirit Gives the soul surrendered unto Truth, a Place, Life, Room in the Body of Reality.

I CONFESS what I WAS, a soul outside Reality, Life, Light.  I was VOID of any Way to Speak, Tell, Live THE Truth of Reality IN God.  ALL that matters NOW, MOST, IS His Constant ABIDING Presence within the Reborn SOUL, into His Body of Perfect Peace by His Presence,

We Live IN the world of DUST, TIME, D  ARKNESS.  WHERE by God's Choice, We the Body of Christ Live UNTIL Drawn Home OUT OF the world, temporary home of the dead and their darkness.

The NIGHT of TIME is for a moment, the Light of Day NEVER ENDS with time.

The fallen woman, fallen to human thoughts in time, a wandering harlot, I the Lord, will TAKE you from the lips of hell, Restored to Breath, Lips of Mouth.  I My-Self SHALL FEED you according to Me My Thought, My Spirit, My Presence, and you WILL UNDERSTAND, BE Filled with Truth Conceived OF God.  I Will TAKE you from evil human spirit of imagination, and you shall walk no more in darkness, the steps of disobedience.

WHAT IS more Wonderful than the Presence, Forgiveness of the Lord, IN His Children?  The Bride, Body of Christ, walks no more in the human thoughts, imagination, BUT NOW ONLY in the Holy Thoughts of Spirit.  The Mind of God, the Source of JOY, He OUR Obedience.

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