Monday, August 19, 2024

The FERTILE New Mind, that IS the Body, Flesh of the Man Jesus. The Eternal Field of God's Presence, Rain.

Christ the NEW Virgin Field, Body that the Mind of God IN Christ, Rests upon.  ONE Field, ONE Seed, ONE Rain, PREPARED TO BEAR QUICKENED SEED, Wheat, Truth STORED in the Body of Christ.

Mary the Virginal flesh, Chosen to Bear the Seed of Life into the world of darkness.  The FIRST Fruit IS the Lord's.  The field of weeds, TIME, shall be set on fire by darkness, burnt out of existence.  A field SURROUNGED, hedged by thorns, a path that cannot walk unharmed. 

Return TO Me, Spirit, BY MY word, Seed and your nakedness, Godlessness, shall BE Covered.  Return and BE Wed TO ONLY Me, Follow ONLY Me Spirit of Truth.  The flesh that WAS NOT, NOW Exists by Perfect Union with Life.  The old flesh temporary, BECOME BY Faith, Presence of Life, the Eternal NEW Body, Biride UNDER Head, OBEDIENT AS ONE Man UNDER the One and ONLY Divine Mind.

Creator, Bulder, OWNER, Restorer, the Groom of the Bride.  Raised, Separated from evil, darkness, death, BY the Presence OF God IN the Man, Son of God.  SUBSTANCE OF Life IN THE Man of God's Substance.

I Will SOW Her UNTO Me the Lord.  They the flesh, the body, the seed THAT WAS NOT.  UNEXISTENT IN Reality.  The Nation REBORN OF Spirit, My People, Children of Holy Seed, Rain.  By the Light of Brightness GROWN Wheat for Harvest, THEN My Living Bread, Fed to those ON THEIR Way Home.

The Bride Reflects the Spirit, IMAGE OF God.  Christ the Man and His Bride, COME HOME in Spirit.

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