Wednesday, August 21, 2024

ONLY His Bride, His Body, IMPREGNATED BY Spirt with Thoughts, Truth of God, will EVER ENTER into the Garden Mind of God again.

 The human being void of Spirit, IS NOT CAPABLE of Bearing the Seed, the Mind of God INTO Existence in this UNDER WORLD OF darkness.  The Angels, Spirits of God's PRESENCE, Keep the Body of Christ, Standing IN Obedience, Spirit, UNFALLEN to the presence of darkness.  We ARE the Body OF Resurrection BY Faith, by Spirit we ARE THE Believers that Worship, Listen ONLY TO God OUR Father.  We ONLY, ALWAYS Say NO to the devil, human spirit, temptation.  We Listen, WORSHIP God, ONLY, ALWAYS Do as He Says.

WAS TE NOT the TIME Given you, to Seek, Find, Receive His Presence and Live beyond TIME.  It IS HARD, very hard WITHOUT the Help, Presence of Spirit. IMPOSSIBLE without the Spirit, Presence of God in His Temple.  We ARE the Body, the Temple of Truth, the House of Worship God BUILT to Stand, Remain AFTER TIME.

The LOST Children IN TIME OF darkness, IF They, His Body, ASK by Spirit, they Receive from THEIR Father the Help IN TIME OF need.  We the Body that stumbles not, broken against the Rock of Truth.  We Stand, BUILT BY God, Christ the Stone that Holds us in place.  A House of TRUE Worship.  NOT BY HUMAN temporary flesh of dust and unclean water, flesh that breathes AIR.  We ARE the Body that Breaths, Stands. Lives as the Temple of God's Presence.

For the Love and SAKE OF Christ His SUFFERING, WAKE UP NOW and Serve ONLY God.

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